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首先,我想解释一下SGK公司的历史。SGK于 70 多年前在日本起步。 1948年,我已故的祖父岩井正光创立了“Pearl Precision Industries”,简称“Pear”,作为汽车工业的转包工厂。为了开发我们自己的产品,我的父亲岩井雅美于 1966 年成立了一家新公司“SGK昭和技研工业”。我们的昵称 SGK 源自我们在日本的正式公司名称的缩写,读作“SGK昭和技研工业”。 Pearl负责制作,SGK负责设计和销售。在将销售办事处扩展到东京、大阪和名古屋后,我们的收益稳步增长,直到 1990 年。SGK现在的工厂建于 1993 年。
与许多行业一样,SGK也受到了 90 年代泡沫破裂的影响。 两年后的2006年,SGK的年度销售达到了20亿日元,Pearl和SGK合并成了新的Showa Giken Industrial,本人担任民事长。从那以后,SGK一直在成长。在最近的世界金融危机之后,SGK负责了“武田制作所”的客户服务,这家亚洲联合制造商在 2009 年破产前破产了。由于我们的辛勤工作和致力于重建日本制造业的结果在 3 月 11 日的灾难中,SGK的销售额创下历史新高,达到 22 亿日元,即 2012 年约 2200 万美元。今天,SGK的财务状况处于良好状态,目前总人力刚刚超过 100 人。

接下来给大家介绍一下SGK在日本联合贸易市场的优势。SGK的两大优势是定制我们的产品以满足客户的需求,并根据统计分析及时交付各种高质量的产品。SGK通过不大规模生产来观察我们的库存数量和资金流向,即使它们是畅销产品线。顺便提一下,SGK约 70% 的销售额由“定做产品”和“小批量生产”组成。这使SGK能够专注于为客户提供最优质的产品。

最后,我希望将我们的员工培训为成熟的技术专家,他们可以在未来使我们的公司繁荣发展。SGK提供持续的在职培训,并为外部培训和研讨会提供支持,包括语言学习、制造知识和产品开发。我们一直在考虑发展SGK的员工队伍,以继续成为联合市场的领导者。我们希望将SGK的网络扩展到世界各地。因此,SGK于 2018 年 6 月启动的新的 5 年中期经营计划指出,SGK将进一步加强我们的信息收集和信息提供能力,以实现SGK的使命,即“支持产业创新,为全球范围广泛的有影响力的制造商提供高质量的定制接头”。在我看来,要使社会和经济活动恢复正常,还有很长的路要走,因为 COVID-19 危机已经失控。现在的困难一定要大家齐心协力,最终都会有回报的。

感谢您的时间和考虑。 SGK 的所有人,欢迎有机会为您服务。

2020 年 7 月 28 日

Hello. My name is Takashi Iwai. I'm the president of Showa Giken Industrial, or "SGK". As you may know, we are a leading manufacturing company in Japan, specializing in rotary joints and swivel joints. Let me tell you about our past, our strengths, and our future.

Firstly, I'd like to explain my company's history. We started in Japan just over 70 years ago. In 1948, my late grandfather, Masamitsu Iwai, founded "Pearl Precision Industries", or "Pearl" for short, as a subcontract factory of the automotive industry. To develop our own products, my father, Masami Iwai, established a new company, "Showa Giken Industrial" in 1966. Our nickname, SGK, derived from the abbreviation of our formal company name in Japan, which reads "Showa Giken Kogyo". Pearl was assigned to making, and SGK to designing and selling. After expanding our sales offices to Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, our proceeds increased steadily until 1990. Our current factory was built in 1993.
As with many industries, we were also affected by the bubble collapse in the 90's. After great difficulties, our annual revenue rose to 2 billion yen in 2006. 2 years later, the 2 companies, Pearl and SGK, were brought together into the new Showa Giken Industrial, and I was elected to be president of the company at the same time. We've continued to grow since. After the recent worldwide financial crisis, we took charge of customer's services of "Takeda Works", a pioneer joint maker in Asia before they went bankrupt in 2009. As a result of our hard work and dedication to reconstruction of Japanese manufacturing industries in the wake of March 11th disaster, our sales marked a record high at 2.2 billion yen, or about 22 million US dollars in 2012. Today, our financial situation is in a comfortable place, with the current total manpower just over 100.

Next, I'm going to tell you about our strengths in Japan's joint trade market. Our 2 biggest strengths are customizing our products to meet the customer's needs, and prompt delivery of a variety of high-quality products based on statistical analysis. We watch our inventory numbers and money flow by not mass-producing, even if they're a well-selling line. Incidentally, about 70% of our sales consist of "made to order products" and "small-lot production ". This has allowed us to focus on providing top quality products for our customers.

Finally, I'm interested in training our employees up to be full-fledged technical experts who can prosper our company in the future. We provide continual on-the-job training, and offer support for external training and seminars, which include language study, manufacturing knowledge, and product development. We are always thinking about developing our workforce to continue to be a leader in the joint market. We hope to expand our network all over the world. Therefore, our new 5-year middle term business plan which started in Jun, 2018 states that our information-gathering and information-providing capacity be farther reinforced, in order to attain our mission, that is to say, "to support industrial innovation by providing high-quality custom joints to a wide range of influential manufacturers across the globe". The way I see it, it could still be a long way off to get social and economic activities back to normal, as the COVID-19 crisis is out of control. We must all pull together to tackle the difficulties now, and our efforts will pay off in the end.

Thank you for your time and consideration. All of us here at SGK, welcome the opportunity to be of service to you.

July 28th, 2020
The President of Showa Giken Industrial, Takashi Iwai

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